Services We Offer
Our goal, first and foremost, is providing for others. We feel privileged to have the opportunity to provide others with hope, encouragement, and financial support through the works of the foundation. If you would like more information about how you can be of assistance to the foundation please inquire at the volunteer tab above. If you are aware of someone in need who might benefit from Kari’s foundation, please contact us and we will happily focus our resources to help with your request. Contacts can be made confidential if you desire.
Karing Bags
Karing bags are care packages designed to help a family of a hospitalized child while they are away from home. They are packed with toiletries, snacks, reading materials, disposable cameras, notebooks, pens, stamps, pillows and more. They are worth about $70 each and are given to families at no charge. If you know of a family traveling because of their child’s healthcare crisis, simply e-mail us a request and provide us with the child’s name and the hospital in which they are staying.
Kari’s Heart Foundation would like to assist with transportation costs of a family member or family when they have a child who is hospitalized or at discharge. Please make us aware of your specific need, and we will gladly try to accommodate your request
Kari’s Heart Foundation would like to help families of hospitalized children with hotel expenses when a local Ronald McDonald house is full or not an option. Please make us aware of your specific need, and we will gladly try to accommodate your request.
Individual Services
Kari’s Heart Foundation would be happy to address any specific request from a family. If you have or know of a need aside from those listed, please send us the request and we will do our best to accommodate your request. No need is considered too small or unreasonable. If it is as simple as a baby bottle or as complex as transportation, we will do our absolute best to make it happen. Our goal, first and foremost is to help and provide for others. Please send us an email or feel free to have someone contact us by phone to express and explain your need.
“Where do I even begin to thank you. I have already had hopes and dreams about one day giving back once this storm passes. You are an inspiration to me and I will be forever grateful.”