Sunday, August 16, 2009

Hello to everyone:

It has been more than a week now since the first annual “Karing Fair” has wrapped up. By all measures, it was a resounding success. I am pleased to say that we raised over $17,000 and money is still coming in from various avenues. In addition, the foundation continues to receive more and more requests for assistance; both financial and as a source of information to families. We are clearly on track.

I wanted to take a moment to express to everyone a sincere and heartfelt thank you to everyone who participated in the event. We literally could not have pulled this off without the help, dedication, and assistance of each and every one of you! Kari’s foundation is off to a roaring success and is becoming more and more familiar around our region each and every day.

Please take a moment to reflect on what we as a foundation were able to accomplish. We organized, planned, and implemented an event in less than 3 months time and it literally ran itself once the set-up was completed. Once again, this is tribute to the high level of organization and dedication each of you has shown the foundation. Although there were no major issues, we have and continue to identify areas that can be improved upon for next year. We invite any and all comments from each of you that may improve our event for next year.

In closing, please once again accept our sincere gratitude for making the 1st annual “Karing Fair” a huge success. We hope to continue our mission with each of you in the future as we push further toward our goal of assisting families with hospitalized children. I have no doubt that as Kari was watching down upon us from Heaven, she was proud to see so many people doing so many good things in her name. Please check her web-site for pictures of the event. God Bless.


The Schoondyke Family & the Board Members of Kari’s Heart Foundation, Inc.

If you or someone you know may be interested in supporting Kari’s Heart Foundation, please contact us at our web site or at the address listed here.

Copyright 2009 Kari’s Heart Foundation/Jeff and Jennifer Schoondyke

“Where do I even begin to thank you. I have already had hopes and dreams about one day giving back once this storm passes. You are an inspiration to me and I will be forever grateful.”



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